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The flower that i saw back then (Plot)

It's been around 7 years. She still appeared in front of me. Laughing. "What about you? You like her right?" "Who?" "Tara. You like her? You always seem to be with her" "Darryl love Tara.. Darryl love Tara!" "Hey! Stop it Gus" She just sit there. Silence "No way! Why would i like a girl like her!" I said that. "..." She looks at me, grin with that unforgetful smile. I ran outside. I don't know why i ran. But i did. They searched for me "Darryl! Darryl!" Their voice echoed through the woods, but then i saw Tara from far away. I wanted to approach her and say that i am sorry, i started walking towards her. But.. She slipped and fall into the river.. She died.. All of us were 10 back then. All 4 of us grew apart. 7 years later. One eventful morning, she suddenly appeared right in front of me. With that silky yellow hair. Simple white dress. That smile that i can't for
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Why i hate being sick (Live in Experience)

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Bring Me The Horizon 10 Lyrics Pick

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10 December lyric Pick ~

i Finally have something to blog, udah lama banget ga buka blog , dari pada bosan sekarang jam 02:15am WIB , di kamar sendiri pake laptop di meja belajar matiin lampu . entah kenapa gua bikin post kayak gini yang mungkin menurut lo semua alay , i'm just doing what i like , well not really because i have nothing to do.  Absolutely Nothing  .  everyone's asleep except me , and i have school this morning,  i can't sleep anyway . 1) Sum 41 - Fatlip " I I don't want to waste my time Become another casualty of society." 2)  Arctic Monkeys - Cornerstone  "i'm beginning to think i imagined you all along " 3) Arctic Monkeys - This House is a circus "The More you open your mouth ,  the more you're forcing performance" 4)Blink 182 - Down "Tidal Waves they flipped right through me,  kiss from eyes worn cold and sad Wake me up now , i miss you so bad " 5) Lenka - The Show "Life is  a maze , and love is a riddle 

tentang artis

banyak banget kalo mau nulis "tentang artis" gua buka blog , tulis judul blog ini "tentang artis". mulai dari mana kalo udah jadi artis dan membintangi film dimana2 mereka bakalan dibayar mungkin 1 juta dollar setiap Movies. itu keren banget mereka bisa beli apa aja. mobilnya bisa banyak , rumahnya Gede. mungkin banyak orang pikir itu enak banget. kayak ade gua . "mama aku kalo udah gede kan aku kalo gede aku pinginya jadi aku pingin banget jadi artis yang di tivi itu mah" mama gua dengan polos jawab "belajar yang pinter makanya de" entah kenapa nyokap jawab kayak gitu , dan gak nyambung. dan kalo udah ngomongin tentang artis mereka banyak yang sombong~ banyak banget. udah kenal dengan "Fame and Money" They blind with " Fame and Money"  tau kan maksudnya~ kalo ngomongin tentang artis itu berbanding lurus dengan Fansnya ada beberapa Fans yang berbeda , eh salah male ngapus lagi. maksudnya Fans dibedakan dalam beberapa.. beberap

Kapan Majunya?(versi ggu)

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