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Bring Me The Horizon 10 Lyrics Pick

Recently i've been into this kind of Metalcore, Hardcore kind of stuff. people call other people who likes this kinds of music Metalhead. i don't know why i like those music, but i like the meaning behind those stuff. Screaming and Shouting to express their feelings seems kind of cool to me. i used to be some black eyed peas shitfan. I don't know maybe i still hear their songs even now. 
My favorite Band now is Bring me The Horizon. 
And i think a lot of people throw shits to Oliver Sykes screaming change. it's not big of a deal to me, i think that they are still awsome until now.

i mean there's a lot of Metalcore band that i haven't known yet, but i think this lyric pick should only be BMTH.

"it's not music that Causes VIOLENCE, it's VIOLENCE that Causes music"

My Lyric Picks are my favorites based on their Discography

Starting from :
This is What your Edge of Your Seat Was Made For
Count Your Blessings
Suicide Season
There is a hell Believe me i;ve seen it, Theres is a Heaven let's keep it a secret
Sempiternal (Best Album of The Year 2013)
Single "Drown" and "Don't Look Down" (2014)

1. Bring me The Horizon - Traitors never Play Hangman (2005)

"You're a traitor to my heart
You're a traitor to us fucking all
I don't want to kiss anyone
I don't want to kiss anyone but you
I fucking love you."

okay this lyrics seems a bit "what the fuck is this" when you read it fluently, but when he scream it out it sounds awsome and meaningful. that's why they create these types of music, to express simplicity.

2.Bring me The Horizon - For Stevie's eyes only (2006)

"I whispered in her ear:

Fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take your hope, your dreams, your love,
Till there's nothing left
I whispered in her ear:
You better fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take that shit you call a life, in a single fucking breath.
I'll take your hope,
I'll take your fucking dreams!
I'll take your love,
I'll take everything you fucking...

i don't know who Stevie is in the first place, but i guess Oli seems pretty pissed at her for some reasons

3.Bring me The Horizon - Off The Heezay (2006)

"And sweetie, I've got to say
That I'm really not worth the time of your day.
I guess when when we left each other for the first time
We didn't think goodbye would be our new favorite line."

Oli brings this songs with a lot of anger and happiness, i guess you can imagine the first night of sex with this.

4. Bring me The Horizon - Chelsea Smile (2008)

"We all carry these things inside that no one else can see.

They hold us down like anchors. They drown us out at sea.
I look up to the sky, there may be nothing there to see.
But if I don't believe in him, why would he believe in me?"

After he count his blessings he count his curse with this song on Suicide Season, that made his voice crack over the years and became more awsome at it.

5. Bring me The Horizon - Sleep with one Eye Open (2008)
"And you better fucking bow, bow down to me
You better beg for mercy
Get on your fucking knees and cry me a fucking river

Sleep with one eye open


Sleep with one eye open

Best friends means forever 

i just loved the words "cunt" it really stings my ears

6. Bring me The Horizon - Fuck (2010)

"Let's fuck 'til our hearts give up
It won't be long!
A night to remember, a day to forget
If our eyes were diamonds we'd be rich
Your voice makes my heart skip beats
So keep quiet before it quits on me
Your voice makes my heart skip beats
So keep quiet before it flat lines
Before it flat lines"

This songs actually tells about being young. Make Love and Make memories before you die, because death comes in like a robber. Heart Attacks Waiting to Happen 

7. Bring me The Horizon - Don't Go (2010)

"If I let you in, you'd just want out
If I tell you the truth, you'd fight for a lie
If I spilt my guts, it would make a mess we can't clean up
If you follow me, you will only get lost
If you try to get closer, we'll only lose touch
And you already know too much and you're not going anywhere"

The Lyrics actually inspired based on a true tragic story that makes me can't sleep for 2 days listening to this song. it was written by Keith and Oli.

8, Bring me the Horizon - Empire (Let Them Sing) (2013)
"It's the start of the end, surrender the throne
The blood on my hands covered the holes
We've been surrounded
By vicious cycles
It's the start of the end, and we're truly alone
The scars on your heart are yours to atone 
We've been surrounded
Let 'em sing, let 'em sing!"

This song really have the biggest energy based on what i think, more energy than Shadow Moses.

9. Bring me the Horizon - Anti Vist (2013)
"Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

I'm sick to death of swallowing, every single thing I'm fed.
Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!
You think you're changing anything?
Question everything!

The world is a shit tip, your children are fucked
The ones you think guard you are out for your blood
When minds are battered and washed out with static
But what exactly do you think you're gonna do?"

This really sums up everyone who feels careless aboout the shit of the world ! 

10. Bring me The Horizon - Drown (2014)

"What doesn't destroy you
Leaves you broken instead
Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper
And I can't take
One more moment of this silence
The loneliness is haunting me
And the weight of the worlds getting harder to hold up"

They actually changed their metalcore into a Softcore here, there is no screaming in this song. but the feelings that i got from this is really amazing. because Oliver Sykes decide to  use more notes into the song "Drown". not that he never used notes before,

that's fucking it i think.


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