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Why i hate being sick (Live in Experience)

This is actually a real life story, i haven't been able to tell this to everyone because everyone would think this is some kind of bullshit episode that i made. Regardless that me myself always lie in front of my friend. Maybe that's why i lost the trust they've had in me. If i told a story they usually just call it a bullshirtt.

So a few weeks ago, my school had this program called Live In, where we stayed in a civilian houses and live their life. I think this program is just a way to make an analytical essay or research for school, nothing left to it. They say it also help us learn civilization or someshit i don't really care.

I don't want to type out the specific place where we stayed, probably some of my friends who read this know, because we are in the same school. The place is somewhere 800m high above sea level. There's mountain everywhere. The people there are so nice compared to some careless city people here where i live. The people there knows all of their neighbours. Although they live just as simple. Majorities work as a farmer, nor male nor female.

The traditional ceremony still going on there, so they still believe some kind of mystical things that's going around, maybe untill now.

It's been around 2 nights i spend in a civilians house with my 2 friend. I got sick on day 3...  I guess. Maybe because of some activities that i cannot handle. I hate it when i got sick, this kind of sick actually made me sleep paralyse a lot.

That's what i hate about being sick.

It's sleep paralyse.

Sleep paralyse is a situation where your body doesn't entirely wake up. You can see or maybe hear things around you. But you won't be able to move just a tiny bit. I have experienced this a lot, ever since i was 5. That time i always freaked out and woke up crying. But by the time passed and until now i still experiencing that when I'm sick, i can handle it. I know how to forcely wake up from a sleep paralysis. It makes you let out cold sweat and your heart rate beats fast.

Just then the day before i wake up sick. I cannot sleep. I just close my eyes, but my body won't rest and sleep. Sometimes when you sleep you won't be able to know when do you actually sleep. So time stretches when you actually asleep. But for me then, the time didn't stretch at all. I closed my eyes and lie down for 6 straight hours and didn't sleep. Around 4:00AM the mosque nearby starts broadcasting morning prayer with their speakers. I woke up to take a pee. My body feels heavy as fuck, i don't know why i go to the toilet there, all the houses lamp are out, nobody was awake. It's only me. I am a coward, I'm scared of dark and loneliness. I don't know why i had the guts to pee alone there.
This is the living room, our bedroom is on the left. There's a room there. We sleep with the lights on there. And all the lights in the house are out becase maybe they want to save power. And the bathroom is behind where the camera is headed.

Then when i came back from the bathroom, i saw like a shadow of a person. A black figure sitting there at the living room. Looking at me. I didn't feel any fright, but when i remember what i saw today, it's fucking terryfying. I don't have my glasses on then  so my sighting was a bit blur. The only lights that came was from my bedroom. Our bedroom walls didn't cover completely to the ceiling. So the lights can be seen outside.

After that i go back to my bedroom and continue sleeping. Just then i can sleep for an hour and woke up sick as fuck. I'm being treated nicely with my friends, my family there and the teacher ate also nice for them to see me. When i sleep being sick then, i always woke up paralysed. I started seing things that supposed to be in my dream around me.

Things that scares me the most is i don't know wether i saw the real thing or just my hallucinations of sleep paralysis. I hope it was just a hallucinations.

This was only my experience there. I haven't actually told anyone about this. This is not the first time I've been like this.
And this is why i hate being sick just like the post i posted long time ago about me being sick.

It's not that i assume that the place where i live is creepy, maybe it's just me, myself, and i. Lol. This always happens wheb i got sick. Like extremely sick.

LoL, it turned out to be more awkward actually.
Thank you for reading have a good night sleep.
I have to pee now, be right back..


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