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The flower that i saw back then (Plot)

It's been around 7 years. She still appeared in front of me. Laughing.

"What about you? You like her right?"
"Tara. You like her? You always seem to be with her"

"Darryl love Tara.. Darryl love Tara!"
"Hey! Stop it Gus"

She just sit there. Silence

"No way! Why would i like a girl like her!" I said that.

She looks at me, grin with that unforgetful smile.

I ran outside. I don't know why i ran. But i did. They searched for me

"Darryl! Darryl!"

Their voice echoed through the woods, but then i saw Tara from far away. I wanted to approach her and say that i am sorry, i started walking towards her. But..

She slipped and fall into the river..

She died..

All of us were 10 back then. All 4 of us grew apart.

7 years later.

One eventful morning, she suddenly appeared right in front of me. With that silky yellow hair. Simple white dress. That smile that i can't forget appeared again. I tried to ignore it. Maybe it was just my hallucination.

"Good morning Darryl, how was your sleep?" Her words, i can hear her soft voice again.

Why. All this years, i tried to recover from that.

I tried to ignore her. I make my way to the kitchen to make me and my dad a breakfast. I live alone with my Dad, he works at a ramyeon shop not far from our home. My mom passed away when i was little, because of her sickness. So it's just me and my dad.

"What are you cooking there?" There she goes again, clinging to my body from behind. I can feel her,      I can feel her warm hug. I don't want to interact with whatever that is.

"Heeey! Can you please be more rude and not answer anymore of my question?" Her body grew but she still acts like when we were little.

"Why are you heree?" I actually blurt it out. I talked to a person that i thought 7 years ago died.

"I don't know. I suddenly show up heree, at your house." She said . "Do you happen to have a reason why you appeared in front of me just like that. I tried to forget you. I skipped school a lot because of you" once again i talked to her, like she really was there.
"I'm sorry then" she said.
"Don't say that, i should be the one who said that okay"
"Foget about that okay, can you please be done with your cooking i want to eat" she said

"Darryl! Is breakfast ready?" My dad shout from the living room
"Yes! Be right there!" I replied.

She just smiled. I still don't know why she appeared just like that. There must be a reason. There must be something that makes her come back. Is it just me that can only see her?

I don't kmow how should i feel. Shoud i be happy or more worried about it.


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